
Tuesday, February 8, 2011


 Simon Bukai Platinum Quality Author

Youth sports medical insurance is really not very new, yet it has not been around for a very long time. Over the recent years, there has been resurgence within the various schools and the medical community to work together for the improvement of all students participating in any type of sports activity.
Individual health insurance coverage has become very expensive over the years to the point where most school facilities who have active sports activities demanded a group insurance to cover all school age children while participating in a school sponsored sports activity. Some of what this group health insurance for school sports activity now expands to is listed below.
1. Coverage for sports liability insurance
2. Coverage for sports equipment insurance
3. Coverage for sports injuries through an accidental medical insurance policy
4. Coverage for sports directors and officials
5. Coverage for sports crimes and theft of equipment
It is important for the parents to research the type of affordable health insurance their school system offers for protection for the active sports minded child because each school has its own variable health insurance policy on record. The vast majority of the schools will provide coverage for the following activities.
1. Baseball, softball, and basketball
2. Football, golf teams, hockey, and soccer
3. Swimming, tennis, and track and field
4. Volleyball, and wrestling
Any school sport activity not listed above will require research for additional coverage. The average medical health insurance plan provides one million dollars of liability protection per individual, per occurrence. There is also an additional two million dollars worth of coverage in compliance with outside school games and traveling per person.
We are all aware that peace of mind is worth its weight in gold and through an affordable health insurance group policy through your child or children's school system it will be worth considering. The necessary forms that need to be filled out are not complicated. These forms will only take a few minutes at best to complete and submit. This is a very simple process that will add to the overall enjoyment of the sport your child or children choose to participate.
Now if and when your child sustains an injury while participating in a given school sport they will receive immediate attention. The parent's health care expenses to insure the full recovery of the child will be minimal at best and the family and school can continue as they always have in the past.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


T. Johnston Platinum Quality Author

Most of us have never consider the ramifications of being disabled and most of us have never given serious thought to owning long term disability insurance, but we should and here is why. There are very good reasons to own it other than just giving people like me commissions and the insurance companies' profits.
The three best are:
1) This kind of coverage will prevent the total destruction of your assets and nest egg
2) The money you receive is tax free
3) There is a 50% chance you will need these benefits before you turn 65
When it comes to a disability if you don't have disability coverage you are rolling the dice.
A healthy 35 year old has a 50/50 chance of being disabled before age 65. I don't necessarily mean a disability like becoming a Para or Quadriplegic, but you could suffer a permanent disability that means you can no longer work or be off work just long enough to devastate you financially.
Did you know your chances of becoming disabled for 3 months or longer are higher than your chances of dying prematurely? And you have life insurance! ------- You do have life insurance--Right?
A lot of folks believe that workers compensation or government benefits will pay them should they become disabled. Workers compensation will only provide benefits if the disability is work-related, if it can be proven the disability is directly attributed to your work. You aren't covered if you are involved in a traffic collision on your way to work or you popped your knee out while playing weekend softball. The injury or illness must have happened on the job for you to collect.
There have been cases of people going to work in excruciating pain and trying to make it look like the injury happened at work simply to get coverage. These attempts always end in failure with the person trying to get it in serious trouble with their employer as well as having a disability.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP) does pay disability benefits until age 65, but only if the disability is prolonged and severe. What most would consider permanent. A similar situation exists in the United States with social security benefits.
One of the major reasons for bankruptcy is job loss and often that job loss is caused by a disability. This holds especially true for self-employed entrepreneurial types. A disability that will not allow you to work doesn't have to be permanent to destroy you financially.
Think about this--if you were disabled permanently and you had long term disability insurance your benefits are tax free and guaranteed to age 65 (Caveat-if you purchased a - "to age 65 policy").
And remember a disability doesn't necessarily mean your life will be shortened-some disabled folks live well into their nineties..
T. Johnston CFP-- Certified Financial Planner - owns Blue Collar Financial Planning.Com Is an expert in Retirement, Estate and Protection planning.
For more information about the importance of Long Term Disability Insurance and others ways to protect yourself and your family from financial devastation, visit his website--Today!